
Butchers Barbershop & Shave Parlor LLC


Butchers Crew

Book with whoever you like. We know everyone has their own preference and no hard feelings between Barbers if you choice to sit with one verse another. Just don’t go somewhere else :).


Adam Sienkiewicz

Adam is the owner, USMC Veteran and a 2nd Generation Barber. Adam Specializes in Hot Towel Shaves and Facial Hair from Beard and Mustache care.

Sam Baker

Sam is talented Barber who joined our team a couple of years ago and we never looked back. Sam does some light design work, trending cuts and more.

Sue Rawley

Sue has been in the industry for many years working as a Master Barber and Instructor.

Kenny Mango

Kenny is a Talented Master Barber and Marine! More details to come soon!

About Us


The Butchers Barbershop & Shave Parlor LLC is Adam Sienkiewicz heart and soul. Adam like most Marines, didn’t know what he wanted to do once he complete his time in the service. He jumped around trying to figure out what he loved doing. He always had a passion for the Barbering World growing up. Most of his younger years, watching his Mom who is a Master Barber work and enjoying the Barbershop vibe. He started to realize while living with his future stepchildren that it was really relaxing learning how to use a safety razor and straight razor on himself and then teaching friends. So off to Barber School he went and fell in love with not only the trade but the Old School Barber Culture that he grew up around and wanted to duplicate from his earlier years hanging around in the Barbershop. Adam tried a couple of shops after school were he refined his craft while he was planning to open his own shop!

Adam wanted to incorporate many elements into the shop. First and Foremost he wanted to provide great cuts and services. Equally he also wanted to be A Day Maker. He wanted to make sure the shop was interesting and loaded with history. “If we don’t preserve our history we are only one generation away from forgetting it all”. Adam strong believes in that and this quote that “A man can die twice, once when he takes his last breath and again when his name is no longer spoken”. Hence, why when you enter the shop you will see pieces of history, patches, military pieces and more. We have amazing people who left this earth yet donated their prized pieces of history for others to see, hear the stories, and have their name not be forgotten. Ask Adam and he can tell you were every piece came from, something he prides himself on.

We also believe in lively conversations, meeting new friends, and connecting generations of men together. We have generations reconnecting and sharing stories without being buried in devices, we have people making connections for services with other, business owner to business owner conversations, we are a platform for the community to share info and ideas and we might have a random vintage video game here or their too plus cards and cribbage. We love to have people just visit and check out our “Museum” and hangout, getting a service is optional.




321 1st NH Turnpike

Northwood, NH


